Unfitting Honor

For September 28, 2007
Proverbs 26:1

Like snow in summer or rain in harvest,
so honor is not fitting for a fool.

There is a season for everything but never honor for a fool. Perhaps a society can be best understood accordingly. Who receives adoration and for what purpose? Consider a society that rates individuality above all other traits. What is more likely to set apart a person's "individuality" than foolish behavior? In sports it is the "bad boy" who wins fame through his notoriety; likewise in entertainment. For that matter, so it happens in every strata of life. The fool gets his share of disapproval, but he gets with it an equal or greater share of praise from adoring fans who not merely excuse his behavior, but praise him precisely for it.

All the more reason then to praise the wise, to praise the good, to praise those persons least likely to garner attention. All the more reason to praise our Lord, the epitome of all that is good, wise, and holy. Especially praise him for the last quality, as well as any who bear such a mark. Holiness is distained by the world, unless the world first distorts the trait to its own liking. Praise those whom the world distains as prudish, as fanatical, as intolerant. Remember, we who follow the world will be counted as foolish. If our faith is counted as reasonable, even exemplary, to the world, then it is time to examine our hearts to see if we have not slipped into foolishness.



For Thursday, September 27, 2007
Proverbs 25:28

A man without self-control
is like a city broken into and left without walls.

Lack of self-control renders a person defenseless. It is self-control that allows him to keep his wits about him. Self-control gives him the discernment to know what to do and what to say. Lack of self-control gives him over to his emotions so that he acts blindly and exposes his vulnerable side. Lack of self-control leads him to actions that will result in retribution.

Recently the best hitter of a playoff baseball team lost his self-control at an umpire. He went into such a rage that his manager had to wrestle with him to hold him back. He fell and injured himself so that he cannot finish the season when he is needed the most by his team.

We blame our lack of self-control on outside forces - on another person who enraged us or on circumstances that were "impossible" to deal with. But the very term "self-control" belies the cause being outside. Our problem is not with being unable to control outside forces but the inside force of our hearts.

The sad truth is that we cannot fully control our hearts. Some of us are more successful than others in controlling our expressions; some of us have learned patience. But the kind of self-control needed to guard our sinful passions is not ours to claim. We must look to the Holy Spirit to guard our hearts. We must pray daily to the Lord to keep us from straying. Good intentions will not give us the self-control needed. Only the transforming power of the Holy Spirit can do that kind of work.

Pray today for self-control. You don't know what will happen, and it is certain that your Adversary will try to bring out your sinful passions. Pray for protection by the Holy Spirit and that he will give to you the strength at the time needed to exercise control and to turn what could have been meant for evil into something that brought about good.


Vain Glory

For Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Proverbs 25:27

It is not good to eat much honey,
nor is it glorious to seek one's own glory.

Like Winnie the Pooh who ends up too fat and a sticky mess from eating much honey, so is the person who seeks his own glory - his ego becomes bloated and his life becomes a mess. Unlike Pooh who has friends to help him, the vain-glorious person loses his friends.

People obtain glory not because of seeking glory itself but out of striving for a noble cause or a far-reaching goal. Those who do strive for glory itself and have the misfortune of obtaining it will experience the devastation of finding such glory a small and bitter possession. It is the deed itself that is fulfilling; it is the competition itself that exhilarates. And should one obtain recognition for one's accomplishments, it will still be remembering the deed itself that will be the reward. The Superbowl quarterback looks back not on the act of receiving the trophy but of throwing the touchdown pass.

Take delight in what you are doing, not in the recognition you hope to receive. By doing so, you will find pleasure each day, and you are likely to get the added benefit of being recognized. The glory is more likely to come to those whose attention is on the present - on what they are doing now. So it is for us in serving our Lord. Focus on the service you are given the privilege to do. Delight in what he permits you to do for his glory. What will come, and often when you least expect it, is the glory - to glory of being recognized for your service. And ultimately you will receive the everlasting glory when your Lord returns. Let that knowledge take you through the times of feeling under appreciated. Your time will come when the Lord himself will acknowledge you. If you want the hours and days and weeks to pass more quickly until that time, then focus on the joy of serving now. Lose yourself in the present deed and the time for glory will quickly and suddenly come.


Muddy Water

For Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Proverbs 25:26

Like a muddied spring or a polluted fountain
is a righteous man who gives way before the wicked.

You are hot and thirsty. You hear the splashing of water; you look ahead and see the fountain. Eager to splash the water on your face and drink, you run up to it only to find it polluted. The disappointment is great. What held such promise has proven to be false. So it is with the righteous who give in to wickedness, who compromise with the wicked.

We know what to expect from a mud hole. It is the fountain, the spring that had held out hope to us and then dashed our expectations. All the more reason then for we who are righteous in Christ must strive to be the spring of fresh water to our neighbors. They see in us the Spirit of Christ. They hear us speak of the Living Water of the gospel and testify that we drink of it and that it has made all the difference in us. Then we need to remain true.

We may not use the excuse of our unbelieving neighbors. We cannot excuse bad behavior on being tired or having a bad day. We cannot "get even" when harmed. We cannot retaliate. We cannot appeal to what anyone or anything has done to us as an excuse for our muddy behavior. For we are to be springs of water to the thirsty and fountains for the weary. If they come to us and find us polluted in their time of need, then we muddy the very gospel we boast of.

Because you do not know what this day will hold and who will be watching and needing you to be fresh water, pray for the Spirit to keep you clean throughout this day. Many are weary and thirsty, and it may very well be you they look to for the Living Water.


Good News

For Monday, September 24, 2007
Proverbs 25:25

Like cold water to a thirsty soul,
so is good news from a far country.

The letter or email or the phone call from a loved one or about a loved one - that good news from a "far country" is indeed like cold water to a thirsty soul. Sometimes we don't realize how thirsty we were until we get the communication.

What news do you have and to whom? To whom can you give a cup of cold water? Is there someone you can take time today to write or email or phone and give the good news of your greeting? Pray now about this. Ask the Lord to place someone on your heart now and determine to send your good news.

Or maybe your recipient is your neighbor with whom you have communicated very little. You can live close to someone and yet be at a distance. Perhaps today is the day of sending good news of your friendship.

Maybe the recipient needs to be a loved one in your own house who needs to hear the good news of your love, and you are unaware of how distant you have been.

Perhaps the good news you need to be sending is the good news of the gospel. Is there someone you have withheld it from? Is there someone who needs to hear your story?

For we are the recipients of good news from a far country. Our Lord left heaven and traveled to us to deliver the good news of salvation. He has sent the Holy Spirit to us to carry this news into our hearts, and it indeed has refreshed us. Let us also determine to be messengers of such good news.