Righteousness That Exalts
For Friday, January 13, 2006
Proverbs 14:34
Righteousness exalts a nation,
but sin is a reproach to any people.
Righteousness exalts a nation. It is good for a nation to excell in liberty; it is good for a nation to become prosperous and enable its people to prosper. It is good for a nation to protect its people from threats. But, as ultimately, an individual is judged by his righteousness, so a nation. Thus, above all, we are to hold our leaders and ourselves accountable for ethical behavior, to act righteously to both within our country and in our dealings outside the nation. It matters what kind of neighbor we are and what kind of community we are.
Having said this, let us remember as Christians our citizenship in the kingdom of our Lord. God will judge the nations, including America, and we do well to call our nation to righteousness. But it is his own nation - the Church - that he will hold most accountable, for we represent the rule of God. Are we distinctive in our churches in the way that we treat our neighbors. Do we amaze our enemies by our love for them? Do we put to shame slander against us by our righteousness which is displayed by holy, moral living and by compassion, mercy, and pursuit of justice even for those who hate us? Do we demonstrate "authentic" worship that is defined by God's standards and not the world's? Do we "do business" according to God's righteous law rather than the world's?
Righteousness exalts the church, the world-wide nation of God. And always remember, that it is only the righteousness that is Christ's which exalts a nation, a church, and an individual.