Lady Wisdom

For Tuesday, August 8, 2006
Proverbs 1:20-21

Wisdom cries aloud in the street,
in the markets she raises her voice;
at the head of the noisy streets she cries out;
at the entrance of the city gates she speaks:

Two notes to make: first, wisdom is cast as a woman. She will be contrasted with the forbidden woman who leads men astray. Men are attracted to the latter, but it is Wisdom who will prove to be of lasting value and delight.

Second, Wisdom unabashedly goes out into the streets and public places trying to attract men. But instead of using "smooth words" like the forbidden woman and painting herself to appeal to lust, she proclaims truth. She "cries aloud," "raises her voice," and "cries out." She her earnestness, her zeal and sincerity as she tries to reason with the masses. Wisdom does not keep to herself. She is not reserved for intellectual speculation. She is meant to take part in the daily lives of common men and women.

Is your wisdom the kind that can be used on the streets, in the marketplace, and in the courtroom? Or do you reserve this Wisdom for your Christian partition and worldly wisdom for daily life, your excuse being that godly Wisdom will not work in the world? Will you today, as you walk along the street and go into the markets and through the city gates, will you heed to voice of Wisdom crying out to you to listen and to obey?