Give to him who asks

For Thursday, May 24, 2006
Proverbs 17:18

One who lacks sense gives a pledge
and puts up security in the presence of his neighbor.

This is a difficult proverb to understand. On the one hand we seem to be warned here, and many other places in Proverbs (6:1, 11:5, 20:16, 22:26, and 27:13) about the foolish risk we put ourselves in if we help our neighbor financially, here by offering to secure a loan for him.

On the other hand, aren't we supposed to be willing to help the poor and destitute, even when it impacts us negatively? The answer lies in what is intended by the giver of the pledge. A loan anticipates repayment. The one who pledges for his neighbor considers his neighbor's debt an asset that will be repayed. But it would very like not be, especially since land was the most productive resource in Israel, not coins.

So when we are helping others, we should not be thinking of our return on investment. Our financial future is not in our hands. Since we are stewards of that which God givs us, and He has declared his wirsdom to us, we must not think that we are wiser than He, and know what is an acceptable risk.

We give freely, as we are able, expecting nothing in return.