Accumulating Wealth

For Thursday, October 13, 2005
Proverbs 13:11

Wealth gained hastily will dwindle,
but whoever gathers little by little will increase it.

This is a proverb we don't like. We all dream of being surprised by a large inheritance from an unknown relative or winning the lottery (from a ticket someone else bought for us). If only I could get rich now! But this proverb teaches that wealth gained quickly without effort is likely to dwindle easily. For it is those who through diligence and wisdom build wealth who will more likely use the same diligence and wisdom to maintain it.

Wealth is dangerous to those immature to handle it, and immaturity is normally related to lack of experience. Thus, if we have little experience handling money, a sudden rush of it into our hands can be our downfall rather than our salvation.

But are you accumulating wealth even little by little? Are you budgeting how you earn and spend your money? I am presently working on stewardship materials to present to the church as we enter into our budgeting season. Most Christians do not tithe. I'm convinced that most would like to tithe, but they are unable to because they do not know how to budget their money. They do not know how to money aside and save little by little. Tithing is not about how we spend 10% of our money, but what we do with all of our money.

I am reminded of an illustration from one of Dr. Boice's sermons. He spoke of a retired minister who sought financial counsel from Ron Blue, a Christian money advisor. Though he had served only in small churches all his life, he had accumulated one million dollars. When asked how, he replied that he spent less than he earned and steadily laid money aside. Blue told him not to seek advice from anybody!

How are you accumulating your wealth?