Wise to be dumb

For Thursday, June 16, 2005
Proverbs 10:19

When words are many, transgression is not lacking,
but whoever restrains his lips is prudent.

Lies, hatefull words, misstatements, blasphemies, vanities, vulgarities, curses, backtalk, evasions, gossip, slurs, coarse jokes, pointless arguments, arguments over words, yelling, muttering, murmuring, bad advice, enticements, seductions, heresies, flatteries, confusion, equivocation, boasting, and scoffing. If even our idle words will be called into account, much more the words from the evil in our hearts.

When Jesus was before his accusers, he gave no answer to them. Even when he had all the justification in the world, and was entirely in the right, he knew it was best to keep quiet, and what his accusers would say of him would bring their own condemnation.

When confronted with temptations to sin sexually, we are reminded to flee the source of the temptation. When the temptation is found in our own lips, it is our lips we must flee.